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Lucid Reality Labs, the Telly Winner of the 43rd Annual Telly Awards

On May 24th, 2022, Lucid Reality Labs became the Telly Winner in the 43rd Annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards is highly respected and acknowledged amongst the leaders of media, entertainment, film, commercial, and technology industries.

Founded in 1979, the annual competition receives over 12,000 worldwide entries from 5 continents. The award honors excellence in video, television, and storytelling across all screens, representing work from the most respected global production companies, advertising agencies, publishers, and television stations. Judged by over 200 prominent industry experts, previous Telly Awards winners include BloombergFoxMicrosoftHBOThe History Channel, and many more.


For the 43rd Annual Telly Awards, we are celebrating the reemergence of our industry, which has resurfaced in a transformed world equipped with new tools and A New POV. Creators have retooled and strengthened their skills and are now working with a refreshed skill set and sense of creativity to tell innovative stories across platforms. As our community continues the vital work of storytelling, it returns with a new perspective rooted in values of innovation, agility, equity, and tenacious creativity.

Since its foundation, the Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens. Evolving in the number of screens, mediums, and communication and driven by the rapidly growing industry and new technologies like XR. Today, the storytelling process has already been reshaped significantly and allows new opportunities for creators, agencies, and brands to reach out to the community.

Following these changes, the Telly Awards reflects and celebrates the new immersive mediums like digital video, Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR & VR), web series, 360, and many more. It is exciting to see how immersive technology can bring us far beyond the screen concept. It allows creators to submerge users into entirely new, fully immersive experiences that enable users to discover the next level of interactive content.

Lucid Reality Labs received the Silver Telly Award in the Immersive & Mixed Reality in Health & Safety category, which celebrates content designed to promote, educate, and train audiences on health and safety. The awarded XR experience – “Seeing the Problem,” was developed to raise awareness and recognition around the issue of macular disease in the UK.

Macular disease impacts almost 1.5 million in the UK, with people of all ages living with the condition. Even though no cure currently exists, treatment may slow down the disease and diminish the severity of vision loss. Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness and recognition to prevent macular disease already in its early stages.

With many conditions not visible to the naked eye, the created Extended Reality solution helped understand and learn what it is to live with some of the symptoms, submerging users into a virtual environment where they can live through realistic real-life challenges that people with macular disease face every day.


We are genuinely thrilled to receive this prestigious award; it is in many ways thanks to our remarkable team and their drive to create next-level immersive technology. We would also like to thank our clients who have entrusted us with developing this experience and shared their knowledge and expertise in the ophthalmology field to make the XR experience genuinely impactful.

Today, we celebrate another award our team has worked hard to achieve. That said, we remain true to our mission and values, the main driver and the defining factor of our success.

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